Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Project Doduo: The Making of My Own iPad Case

A few weeks ago, I finally dipped my feet into the world of tablet computing with the purchase of an iPad 2. I did not buy a cover/case for it because I was rather dazzled by how many choices are out there. Apple's Smart Cover seemed enticing, but I couldn't justify spending $40 on a product that only covers half of the product. I remembered deep down from my blog reading about a DIY Moleskine Case for the first iPad, and decided to give it a try for myself with my own twist: splicing the Smart Cover with the Moleskine/Dodocase.

Friday, February 4, 2011

A New "J" in the J&M Herbal Kitchen

Last week, Jerry and I made scones!

I've decided to post the details of this adventure on Jerry and Maciek's blog of their homemade food and drink adventures. Check it out! :)


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

mini-project: Binder Clip Phone Holder

Even though I read Lifehacker frequently, I can't remember the last time I tried one of their proposed hacks for electronic accessories. Countless ideas for $2 laptop stands, iPad holders, and phone cozys have come and gone, but today's post for a quick and easy in-car phone mount finally seemed like a good fit for what I've been looking for... Here's what I've cooked up using the article for inspiration

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chinese New Year

I am a terrible blogger, but once in a while I feel the need to write down my thoughts... Usually I'm lazy and reach for Twitter, but this time 140 characters doesn't quite cut it, so I'm pulling out the big guns...

Yesterday was Celebrasia at Northwestern, something that has been a highlight of sorts during a school year. I remember the work that I would put in both as a CSA member and with the Lion Dance group that I led. Spending the evening at home and seeing all of the excited posts on Facebook certainly made it hard to not feel nostalgic. Was it a mistake to decide to miss it this year? perhaps

I think what makes this year the most different, however, is the way that I feel so uninvolved with New Years in general. This will be the first Chinese New Year season in eleven years where I am not actively involved in performing and spreading the cheer. The first year that I am not spending hours planning, practicing my routine,  locked up in front of a computer furiously editing a skit, or making final checks in the wiring of the Lions' eyes. This realization didn't really sink in until last night, when I went to Milpitas Square for dinner and saw some kids waiting outside of a restaurant, fully decked out in their Lion leggings and Happy Buddha costume and warming up to do a lion dance through a restaurant. Right then, I felt the most homesick and separated from the friends and family that are far away now.

I realize that CNY isn't here till Wednesday night, so maybe there's still time to do something. (I think I need to find some firecrackers, NOW! :P ) In the mean time, I wish everyone a wonderful Spring Festival-- 恭喜发财!
 Our Lion Dance for Celebrasia 2008; Photo courtesy Kurt Qing